Wednesday, November 30, 2022

what is gematria?

gematria is an ancient form of numerology that assigns numerical values to words or phrases. It has been used for centuries for a variety of purposes, including divination and interpretation of sacred texts. It can also be used to form analogies between words and numbers to provide further insight.

Gematria is based on a belief in the relationship between numbers and words, and has its roots in several different belief systems, including the Jewish Kabbalah and Greek philosophy. The numerical values assigned to words are based on the numerical values of each letter of the alphabet. For example, in the English language, the letter A is assigned a value of 1, B is 2, and so on to Z which is 26. To find the numerical value of a word, one simply adds together the numerical values of each letter to form an overall number.

Gematria can be used as a tool to uncover hidden meanings in texts by comparing the similarities between words or phrases that have the same numerical values. For example, you could look at the numerical values of the words 'gold' and 'silver,' and discover that they both total to the same numerical value of 43. This might suggest to some that gold and silver are somehow related or equal in some way.

Gematria can also be used to help understand the relationships between different words or metaphors in a text. For example, if one were to assign numerical values to different words or phrases in a religious text, they might be able to spot similarities between those words or phrases, suggesting deeper metaphorical and theological connections.

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